Airref (PTY) Ltd installs refrigeration systems of all sizes. It is our belief that your refrigeration system is an investment to your company and great care should be taken in the early stages of design to fully understand our clients requirements. It is easy to install a cheap quick fix system, but refrigeration units are normally installed for life so it's worth spending a short time considering all the factures like:
Energy efficiency
Running Costs
Correct servicing
Electronic Expansion Valves
Inverter Driven Compressors
Speed Controlled Condenser fans
Speed controlled Evaporator Fans
Defrost on demand
Two smaller systems rather than one larger unit
Cold Room Insulation (is it up to the job ?)
All the above factures above will have an effect on business running costs and should be considered when thinking of a new system.
We are more than happy to visit site to establish the correct equipment for your application and submit a free no obligation quotation.
Airref (Pty) Ltd is registered in South Africa. Registration No 2013/039237/07